Solid Teknics
Solid Teknics Lil’ Flippa - Spring Stainless Steel
Solid Teknics Lil’ Flippa - Spring Stainless Steel
We are so pleased that Solid Teknics are developing these great tools for the kitchen, to use with their pans.
We are such big fans of their cookware, and the kitchen tools are, as we expected them to be, little strokes of genius.
We can’t speak for your relationship with cookware, but if you are that person that scould garage sales for old English stainless flippers or Japanese ones, and appreciates their thi ness and flexible-ness, then you will love the llil’ flippa.
Sometimes it is really helpful as well to have a pretty narrow end on a flipper. As a broad flipper can catch too much now and then.
So here they are, and keep an eye out for the other tools, like the excellent and much more sturdy spatula.
40mm x 205mm